With the release of their latest album, Dreams That Breath Your Name, Jennifer and Company have a sound that crosses Fiona Apple's Tidal with Vanessa Daou. Of course the Mazzy comparison is ever present. You might even be able to throw in a little Denali just to round everything out. After all, Dreams does have that dark undertone that Denali was so good at. The album does have some week moments and is not for everyone. If you ever find yourself in a sort of jazz/trip-hop club peopled with hipsters and later day beatniks, this may be the album for you. I'd be there.
I saw a funny thing the other day. Wanna hear about it? Of course you do!
One day last week a lawn care company was spraying the rocks out in front of the building for weeds. There were two people; One was in the truck wearing a respirator while the other guy wore no respirator and was actually spraying weeds.
It gets better.
As we watch and laugh the guy spraying for weeds lights up a cigarette! Hmmm. He's wearing big rubber gloves so he doesn't get any on his hands but that doesn't stop him from using the glove full of weed killer to smoke with! Does anybody see anything wrong with this picture? All I have to say is WOW!
Sealab 2021 season 1 and Aqua Teen Hunger Force season 2 come out tomorrow. I can hardly contain myself!
Kevin Habberstad will be staying at my humble abode for a few days. I'm sure silliness will ensue and give me stories to tell you.
Scott do you have something to tell us? What exacly are "Scott straps and grip?"

Sorry man I couldn't resist!
Check out the accompanying photos to the linked articles. Nice shootin' Michelle!

Madonna says Shhh! eveytime I ask her where my red-string wristband is. Then I remember I lost it at a French brothel! Silly me. I guess now I'll never be able to be rich beyond my wildest dreams and tell the future once a year. Damn!
Ya, I could see were it wouldn't keep your attention for long. And Ekova I remember. It's been a while but I know I liked them. I ordered both albums in for the store. The remix album was very good.
Don't ask about Scott straps. Long story.
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