I was saddened to find out that a cultural icon of times past took a gun shot to the his own hand. I couldn't believe what I was reading. I thought Hunter was going to live forever or at least die in a blissful sleep loaded up on pot, tranquilizers and Chivas. Of course a grizzly suicide could have been his idea of a peaceful death. We don't know and so far the family hasn't released any info. We're in the dark.
Maybe it was the darkness that killed him. The darkness of another four years of Bush. Some might want to believe that. More realistically he could have been facing a horribly agonizing death sentence to be carried out by cancer or some other flesh and bone eating disease and wanted a quick way out.
Whatever the real reason is, his unique writing style and personality will be missed.
I recently watched the criterion collection version of Fear And Loathing In Las Vegas and on the supplements disc there is an hour long interview conducted by the BBC around 1980. In it he talks about his death and how he was making plans to have a monument built after his death. I wonder if that monument will be built.
Goodnight Hunter.
I will miss him ... BIG HUG for Juan, Jen, Willam and Anita… who will never be able to fill the hole left in there lives by the man in spite of the myth and legend attached to his life..
When I heard this late Sunday night I couldn't believe it either. I have been a big fan of his work since I was in high-school. His writing has been an inspiration for me, as well as the impetus for a big laugh and smile at times. I'll miss his wicked and sometimes twisted sense of humor. Maybe he'll finally get to have that one-on-one with Nixon?
Dylan, have you listened to his commentary on the Fear and Loathing Criterion? It's rather insane. :)
hey dylan
saddened to hear the man died
gloom over the whole night
concert wasn't palatable
though great things were still being done, being played
that's the happy part
a voice, influenced by gonzo, will come along
and influence a new generation
be happy for those voices
and at the same time,
hunter will be missed
billy luetzen.
dylan, it's billy, and the email you would have recieved, had i been able to find your address on this site. so treat it as such i suppose!
Hey guys!
FREIGHT the four-piece-all-peace band -- actually a revolving cast of
players and playettes, anyone can be in this band! -- are heading out
for their first tour. yep. you heard right. right now, we're a
four-piece, and we got our name last night -- thanks krist!
the band is (right now, 'til you wanna join...):
ryan sluder -- drum/harmonica/vocals
me -- guitar/vocals
christy davenport -- shakers/vocals
jesse boots -- guitar/vocals
our tour is gonna be:
three cities, three nights
"the dumpster/record tour 2k5 bling bling sucka"
minot -- march 23rd w/southerly
bismarck -- march 24th w/southerly
sioux falls, sd -- march 25th w/southerly
then it's hitchin' thumb-style to minneapolis, and train-hoppin' back
to minot...
ok -- so here's the reason i've contacted you crazies --
we're bringin' with a 'zine. you know, those printed pieces of
trashola that only a band with this much time to kill would wanna
make. it's not just any 'zine siree. it's a "profiles"
zine...we want to take minot with us on our tour, and what better way
than by handing out homework to our best friends -- YOU! -- we want
stories, 500 words or so, just about your involvement with minot and
the music/arts scene. the goods, the bads -- whatever, your unique
perspective on minot. we're gonna collect 'em all, baseball card
slingers that we are, and put 'em together to show the world that our
scene kicks as much ass as theirs! exciting huh?
well, seriously -- if you'd like to help, send your submission -- BY
SATURDAY FEBRUARY 26TH -- 500 words is nothin' and it's gonna be
thanks a lot!
the amp
capital j
the eurections
ps -- feel free to forward to those you may think interested!
obviously no disrespect to the memory of gonzo journalism is meant by that last post, i just wanted you to read the email...
billy again
Very interesting project Billy. I wish you well on the dumpster/record 2k5 tour. I'll see if I have time to throw together a fun memory of the Minot scene. Later brother.
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