Dylron's Filter

Some stories from Minot so some of you who don't live here anymore can keep up. Musings on life, music and movies.

Monday, September 26, 2005


Your prayers have been answered! That's right! The movie that depicts giant rampageing bunny rabbits is coming to DVD? For a mere $19.99 plus tax you can be the proud owner of Night Of The Lepus! Man this movie was bad. Deforrest Kelly(Bones from Star Trek) was in it. He must have thanked God for the Star Trek movies giving him a career again.


At 2:09 PM, Blogger anthony said...

damn you dylan! this is a classic!

i'll make you eat those words.

maybe we'll have to settle things via a vicious game of star wars battle front.

get a new controller. i want no excuses out of you next time....

At 4:37 PM, Blogger Dylan said...

You're on! By that time Battle Front 2 will be out. Hours & hours of fun my friend! Prepare to go down in a blaze of lazers!

At 7:09 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey man, Harvey Danger popped out with a new album. It's good. Plus, they pulled a Wilco and released it for free, you should stock a couple. It's hit Slashdot and Boing Boing :)


Interesting side-note the guitarist is a geek (CS Grad).

It was a weird throwback to the 90's, although far far better than then the album I picked up then.


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