This is some seriously sad news. Here's a link to a site with the story. If you know me you know I was a huge fan of Rodney's. I remember when Larry and I would make trips to Fargo there were certain things that always had to go with us. Market place beef jerky, smokes and Rodney. After we passed through Grand Forks we'd always pop in a Rodney album and let that take us to Fargo. It always worked out perfectly so that the album would be ending as we were pulling into town. That was a tradition that I carried on all these years...every trip to Fargo. He was the king of the one liners and I think that I liked him so much because I took one look at him and I knew anything was possible. If he could reach a high level of fame so could I. When I turn fourty the game is on! He also used his success to further the careers of other up and coming comics who may not have ever had a chance to show their stuff. I respect that and I respect him. In a world that needs comedians now more than ever, we lost one of the great ones.
Rodney quotes
"My sex life is nothin' what are you kidding. My biggest thrill is self inflicted hickies.
My sex life is like shooting pool with a rope. I know I'm not a sexy guy. Why this morning I was putting on my underwear and I could hear the Froot Of The Loom guys giggling at me. I know I'm ugly why last Halloween trick or treaters gave me candy. One year kids tried to pull my face off! One time I stuck my head out a car window and got arrested for mooning!"
"I'm a bad lover, oh, a bad lover. You know I caught a peeping tom booing me."
"You know what real class is? When you're alone and you fart and you say Excuse me."
Well I'm gonna go and listen to a few Rodney albums and have a few cocktails and mourn.
Okay I know the guy... well not know KNOW. Know as in remember him from tv, and I can almost still hear him tossing out those "one-liners" but for the life of me I can NOT remember where. I can't place a place to the face. Fargo does not ring a bell. Yes, I suck, *shrugs* May he rest in peace
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