Wow! This is my one hundredth blog! From my very first blog to the one hundredth blog, I realize that I still have nothing interesting to say!

F'n rumors. Man I have searched the web for any news on Mike Ness contracting Aids. I have found nothing. Nothing on their site, nothing anywhere. In fact the most recent on-line articles I found were from 1999. So until I here different , I'm breathing a sigh of relief for him and his family as well as all the Social D fans out there.
Touch & Go records has been dipping their fingers into the pool of local rappers in the Chicago area and recently I received a promo for one such artist. It's some really good stuff with lots of cool samples. In fact too many to name. I did pick out the "You are sleeping. You don not want to go to bed" This sample was also used in the Smiths song Asleep. The artist is Capital D. The album is Insomnia. Check it out! Capital D just got his law degree, he raps about all the fake players and wannabe's. Whoops, who put the beat in the bathtub? I rhymed. Anyways, he's politically left and has lots of interesting spoken word samples talking about Bush and Cheney. Again, I suggest you check him out.
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