Man, oh man!
Well, since my last post I've turned twentynine, spent a very nice and relaxing weekend at the lake. I went fishing twice and my total catch and release take was 10 Bluegills and 2 stinkin' bullheads. I really dislike those things. I cut down 1 tree and torn another down with my bare hands. I probably should have used the chainsaw but the tree was old and it felt good to destroy something with brute strength. I went swimming a little bit, the weather was generally nice. Then I had to come back home. I've been working almost every night since( hence the absence of a recent post. )
After work last night I met High Country, Baehm, and Wolsky at the Dakota Lounge. Needless to say I'm a bit hungover. I think I'm going to join Larry and try to keep dry for 1 week. No smoking, no drinking. I guess I'll have to find another means of release for daily aggravations.
Baehm, this cover of the week is for you buddy, hope you like it!

Some of you may have noticed a few changes to my site, like the absence of links and such. That's because I tried to make big changes and found out I couldn't keep all my little ones. So I'm putting things back to the way they were slowly but surely. You see, I'm not computer savy enough to figure out how to really personalize this site. I guess we're all stuck with the puke green for some while longer.
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