Dylron's Filter

Some stories from Minot so some of you who don't live here anymore can keep up. Musings on life, music and movies.

Tuesday, April 19, 2005


The FROGS are coming to get you!!!
Man, Mitch Hedberg was wrong when he said frogs weren't scary. He obviously never saw this movie! Nothing frightens more than angry frogs who kill people. Along with Mole People, I also own this movie. This movie definitely gives Ed Wood a run for his money. Watch it if you dare! Laugh your ass off as the frogs make their bid for world domination!


At 4:03 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

These last two posts have reminded me of the movie 'Night of the leepus' the giant rabbit one. I love the looped scenes of the 'giant' rabbits running from their burrows.

At 8:13 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love that Sam Elliott is in this one. I totally have to see it! Dylan I want to see this one when I come up this summer, ha!


At 11:05 AM, Blogger Dylan said...

Eide-I know exactly what you're talkin' about. That movie had Deforest Kelly(Bones from Star Trek) in it.

Brian-That's a can do. Do you know what days your going to be here?

At 6:30 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not sure exactly which days yet, but it will be sometime in mid-June most likely, for probably 5 days or so. We gotta do some hangin' out, man.



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