This movie is classic 50's sci-fi camp. The movie has an opening monologue about how the Earth might be hollow. If you like the camp like I like the camp, this might be a movie for you to check out.
Even though I work in a music store, I haven't heard anything interesting in the last month. Ivy was the last album I heard and liked. Anyone have any suggestions? Please don't mention Bravery or Bloc Party. I like Bloc Party but feel let down by the album. Plus I think both bands are waaay over-hyped.
New Thievery Corporation is pretty good. I also dig Royksopp's (umlaut left un-umlauted) Melody AM.
you may THINK you love the sci-fi camp, but it is I that loves the camp!
You don't even know how awesome that is to hear! Although I must warn you, I am no pretender. You'll have to see my movie collection next time your in town.
The newer Bonnie Prince Billy album with Matt Sweeney is damn good ... but so is everything else Will Oldham puts out, so big surprise there.
Some recent records I've liked:
The new Mars Volta, Marlboro Chorus (amazing Quad Cities band on Future Appletree), Cursed (on Goodfellow), Coliseum (on Level Plane), Converge (Epitaph), The Evens (Dischord), Paint it Black (Jade Tree), Cipher (Uprising), Statistics (Jade Tree), Channing Cope (54-40 or Fight), Breather Resist (Jade Tree), Driver of the Year (Future Appletree) Ticonderoga (54-40 or Fight)...
The Mole People! Hugh Beaumont (the Beaver's dad) is in that one! That's a great old Sci-fi flick. Have you ever seen It Conquered the World (aka, It Conquered the Earth) with Lee Van Cleef (of Spaghetti Western fame & TV's "The Master")? That one is pretty awesome too if you like 1950s low-budget sci-fi. My absolute favorite from this era is Earth Vs. The Flying Saucers. If you've dug your way into the The Mole People (pun intended), I'm sure you've seen that one. How do you feel about old campy horror stuff like Herschell Gordon Lewis? Have you ever seen Ray Dennis Steckler's Rat Pfink A Boo Boo?
Sorry for the rambling. I stumbled across your blog & this post got me in the mood to watch old B movies again.
Hey Phil! Yeah I'm very into the campy horro & sci-fi. I have quite a good collection going including the ones you mentioned. I think the Crawling Eye is one of my all time favorites. Have you seen that one? Last month when I was in Fargo I spent a ridiculous amount of money on old horror & sci-fi. I still have yet to see a lewis or steckler film. Right now I'm exploring the italian horror & sci-fi. Fulci, Argento, Bava & Franco and a few other directors I'm not very familiar with. All interesting in their own way and the people involved in the film making process' are considered artisans. Sometimes I wonder weather or not the actors and film editors got the memo. Anyways it's good to hear from you.
I have seen Zombie by Fulci but that's likely it for Italian stuff. I have also seen Crawling Eye once before, but I should probably check it out again. I love those 50s sci fi films but Lewis & Steckler are different animals entirely. I don't know if you've ever read up on Lewis, but you should check out a few of his flicks. In my opinion, his best one is 2000 Maniacs. He's the guy who basically invented the gore film. Terrible acting, awful (but disgusting) special effects. It's very tongue-in-cheek. Hilarious at times. I've picked up a few Lewis flicks at Media Play over the years, but you can order from There is always Ebay too. Steckler might be a little harder to track down, but I felt compelled to mention Rat Pfink A Boo Boo because it is so weird. It's not horror or sci fi, but it's a messed-up movie with a 60s rockabilly singer who turns into a low-rent super hero (Rat Pfink and his sidekick Boo Boo, who look they were probably a huge inspiration for the band the Go NUts) to save his kidnapped girlfriend. The first part of the movie is fairly straight. Steckler worked without a script and I guess he got sick of filming his original vision and spent the rest of the movie going off the deep end. Things culminate in a slapstick chase between Rat Pfink, Boo boo and a guy in a gorilla suit. You can't go wrong with that!
the new spoon record rocks but it doesn't come out for awhile. I gots me a bootleggy leg. i must say the new bright eyes records are tasty. m.ward. and of course the minneapolis bands duplomacy (pavement/pedro the lion/elliott smith) and valet (no description, just good)
check em out.
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