If you visit this sight often you might be wondering why I haven't posted anything lately. Well...I'll tell you why. I took last week off from work because Larry and Steve we're coming home and I wanted to hang out with them and Les was home too. As an Added bonus Tony also made an unannounced visit home. Also my room mates sister was married on Saturday, June 5th. It's safe to say that last week went by in an alcoholic blur. Some of the events that took place were Larry falling asleep on my couch, Larry falling asleep in a chair and then being awakened by me so I could move his drunk ass into the spare bedroom. Larry and Les pooping out early one night because they had been drinking all day long. I also had to poop out one time from being completely exhausted.
Last Wednesday after taking Larry home and dropping off some stuff for lances sister's wedding, we mowed the lawn and decided that we were going to have an outside day. We moved a futon into the driveway brought a coffee table out for the TV and PS2 to set on and a dorm fridge for...sodas. The sun was not co-operating though. We couldn't see the TV screen. So Lance backed his vehicle into the drive way and we put the TV into the back of his SUV. This was still ineffective. So we built ourselves a fort to block out the sun. It sort of worked. As the day went on we were joined by my brother, his roommate and his roommate's girlfriend, some of her friends and Larry and Stevie. Beers were drank liquor was consumed. Larry, surprisingly had not a drop. I drank very little that day.
We moved into the backyard to have a fire in the fire pit when it started to get dark. The hanging in the drive way was fun, moving all the crap we brought out back in sucked! Still, it was a fun day!
We won't talk about the wedding I went to on Saturday.
Here's a couple of fun site to visit if your bored.
Holdthebutton.com, have contests to see who can hold the button down longest! And for all you
Duct Tape enthusiasts this site will prove the power of the "Handy man's secret weapon." See the incredibly weird things people do when they have too much time on there hands.