1. Telefon Tel Aviv-Map Of What Is Effortless

channeling a bit of Marvin Gaye like soul, mixing it with swirling soundtrack beats and some trip-hop to make a very fine album indeed.
2.Cure-The Cure

Finally the Cure make a Cure album! This was a return to the Cure's classic days in the 80's and to me sounds very much like songs that could have been on the album Kiss Me Kiss Me Kiss Me.
3. P.J. Harvey-Uh Huh Her

This album travels back to P.J.'s earlier raw sound but she's also managed to keep some of the polished electronic aspects from Stories From The City, Stories From The Sea making what I thought to be a very fine P.J. Harvey album.
4. Charlotte Martin-On Your Shore

This is a woman who has taken many notes from the pages of Kate Bush's songbook. Unlike Tori Amos(too aloof at times) or Fiona Apple(too raw) she makes it look easy. Writing songs about mysticism and love hasn't sounded so good since Kate's Red Shoes Album.
5. Soviettes-LP 2

I've only been listening to the Soviettes since my friend Dave turned me on to them in December but they quickly became a favorite. What else can I say? These guys rock!
6. Zeromancer-ZZYZX

This is an industrial band that I liked instantly and although this album doesn't rock as much as their first two lp's, it does rock like a harder Depeche Mode. I listened to it a lot last year.
7. Pitty Sing-Demons, You Are The Stars In Cars 'til I Die(EP)

This band sounds like so many bands from the 80's that I couldn't name them all. Still, something captivated me. The song Radio is one hell of a song. This is an Ep and pretty cheap so you should give it a listen.
8. Har Mar Superstar-The Handler

Hey, you need to have a little fun right? Well for me Har Mar provides that. Not to be taken seriously so don't expect it. Stop being such a prude and "back that camel up to the hitching post..." Go out and buy this record.
9. Bloc Party-Bloc Party(EP)

In my humble opinion this Bloc Party Ep is better than anything Franz Ferdinand has put out. Get ready to shake your booty at the worldwide Bloc Party!
10. Social Distortion-Sex, Love & Rock 'N Roll

Welcome back! This is a wonderful return to form from Social D. I had some doubts about this album but all that was cleared up during the first listening. It's a very lyrically personal album and that adds quite a bit to it also.
So, that's it folks. This is my top 10 list for 2004. Not influenced by any outside hype. You won't agree with all of my choices but I really don't care. It's what I've been listening to all year and if you want you can check them out. If you do decide to pick up one of these lovely albums, drop me a line and let me know what you thought.
Incidently, this list was kinda hard to put together. There was a lot of crap released last year.
I really didn't care to put albums on here that were hyped by every frickin' magazine out there (you won't find any Bright Eyes on my 2005 list) or albums that sold 8 million copies(Usher). All year I looked for interesting bands and came face to face with a lot of disappointments. I really liked the TV on The Radio Ep but the full album I thought was week. Such as life. This year already looks promising with a strong Ani Difranco release(yes, I like her and this album is a lot like Little Plastic Castles and her earlier albums. I haven't liked her last few albums though.) and a very good Ep from Iron & wine on the way. I've got my fingers crossed. How about you?