Monday, August 30, 2004
Saturday, August 28, 2004
Well, on Thursday Larry and I both fell off the wagon. Our new goal is to start Tomorrow and go one week without drinking. Right now I can't decide if I should get tanked tonight, beings I won't be able to for a while or just hang and not drink. Decisions, decisions. I'll probably tie one on.
I've been watching a lot of Benny Hill the last two days. A&E TV released the first season to DVD. He's actually quite funny. Speaking of DVD releases, Mork & Mindy is coming to DVD. Anyone remember that show? I do and I will soon own the first season.
In the parlance of our times, I was googling around the net today and found this photo. Man, you can really find some weird-funny shit on the net. Enjoy!

Wednesday, August 25, 2004
Bear drinks 36 beers and passes out. Larry just got back from Washington...hmmm.
Day one of drying out successful, on with day two. Larry, I feel a mix cd coming my way.

Tuesday, August 24, 2004
Man, oh man!
Well, since my last post I've turned twentynine, spent a very nice and relaxing weekend at the lake. I went fishing twice and my total catch and release take was 10 Bluegills and 2 stinkin' bullheads. I really dislike those things. I cut down 1 tree and torn another down with my bare hands. I probably should have used the chainsaw but the tree was old and it felt good to destroy something with brute strength. I went swimming a little bit, the weather was generally nice. Then I had to come back home. I've been working almost every night since( hence the absence of a recent post. )
After work last night I met High Country, Baehm, and Wolsky at the Dakota Lounge. Needless to say I'm a bit hungover. I think I'm going to join Larry and try to keep dry for 1 week. No smoking, no drinking. I guess I'll have to find another means of release for daily aggravations.
Baehm, this cover of the week is for you buddy, hope you like it!

Some of you may have noticed a few changes to my site, like the absence of links and such. That's because I tried to make big changes and found out I couldn't keep all my little ones. So I'm putting things back to the way they were slowly but surely. You see, I'm not computer savy enough to figure out how to really personalize this site. I guess we're all stuck with the puke green for some while longer.
Friday, August 13, 2004

After work today, I'm off to Lake Metigoshe until Tuesday afternoon. There will be blog silence from the filter. I plan on doing some fishing, liquor consuming, tree cutting, fire building, hot dog roasting, grilling, writing and swimming. I wonder if I'll be able to handle it all. Hopefully it doesn't rain the whole time I'm there.
This reminds me of a funny lake story. James T. Boyd came up to the lake with me once. We canoed around the lake and stopped at an island for a bathroom break and James takes off leaving me stranded. A short while later he comes back all dressed up and wants to go the classy Turtle Mountain lodge. I'm grubby and don't want to go. We end up going and I end up spilling hot coffee all over my lap. Classy. When we leave the lake we stop off in Bottinue for some breakfast and a quick visit to Pamida because James had never been in one before. We ate our breakfast and hung out at the park climbing Tommy the Turtle and swinging; killing time until noon when Pamida opens on Sundays. James got in one of those little yellow merry-go-rounds and wanted me to spin him around. I did and when he wanted to get out I let him. I hate those little yellow merry-go-rounds and James asked me to get in it. Knowing James, I said no, you'll spin me around when I'm trying to get out. Which is exactly what he did! I puked up all my breakfast in a circle surrounding the merry-go-round. I was sick all the way home and James had to drive. Memories!
Tuesday, August 10, 2004
Well, I guess August is time for people to come back to town and do some visiting. Last week started off with former Budget employee, Jennifer(she worked here around 90-91, for those of you who may remember her also she lived in Fargo when all my hip friends moved there in the mid 90's). We went out to Ebeneezer's last Thursday. We talked of many thinks and people including one Pam Mcdonald, who oddly enough was actually in town but I didn't find that out until Saturday night when she called. I didn't get to see Pam and that made me sad. Pam, I miss you and it was good to here from you! I guess Tom & Laura were back at the same time as well.
Let's see, oh yeah, Ben Treckman was back and we hung out a couple of times. Saturday night Ben & I started to watch a movie and have a few cocktails. Well, soon after the movie started Ben's alter ego "Andy" started to show through. Andy didn't make a full appearance but Ben did end up puking his guts out on my front lawn. Way to go Ben! Doug Carrier literally blew through town but will apparently be back through at the end of the week.
Ross "I've grown up a lot" Thiessen will be staying in Minot and working for his dad for an undetermined amount of time. Minot will be interesting with Ross around. I will never forget the time he came into the store dressed exactly like the Unabomber. This get up was so good I didn't even know it was him. We looked at him like he was some crazy nut, well...crazier nut, and between co-workers uttering things like "I can't believe someone would purposely dress like that" and "What the hell does that person think they're doing." Customers gave weary appalled looks his way and then I hear "Hey Dylan." I'm sure the look on my face was one of shocked surprise because Ross started to laugh his head off. Ross, you're definitely one of a kind.
Rumor has it that Stevie, will be flying in this Friday for a week of fun relaxing work with Hjalmer before school starts.
I'm a bit hungover. Last night after work I went to Ebeneezer's to meet my housemate, Lance and oh, Jen Johnson(another former Minotian back in town for a bit) and her friend Jen Lien. To my surprise Ross & Susie and Greg & Lula are sitting there. As well as Jason Staggs. Drinks were had by all. I hovered around talking to everyone while imbibing the sweet nectar that is whiskey. Then some people wanted to go to Seven Mary Three. They left, I ordered a Newcastle, then Ross and Greg and their respective others left and I went to the Seven Mary Three show. They were playing at the Original. They actually put on a pretty good show. It was impressive to see punk dudes with full on Mohawks and jock dudes moshing to their songs together. It was a good vibe. I hope more bands come through town and put out the same good vibe.
After the show, we went back to my house, had a fire in the backyard and somehow four in the morning rolled around. I gotta stop doing that. I'm getting to old for that shit.
And finally, when the men wore big irons on the hips and the women were all devils in disguise we have a cover many of you will are familiar with and have fond memories of hearing El Paso blaring out of Larry's room or basement. Todd I have a request. The next time I am lucky enough to see you guys, can you play Big Iron? Just wondering.

Sunday, August 08, 2004

Here's another great science fiction based cover. Nothing beats that sci-fi beat!
Wednesday, August 04, 2004
Wow! This is my one hundredth blog! From my very first blog to the one hundredth blog, I realize that I still have nothing interesting to say!

F'n rumors. Man I have searched the web for any news on Mike Ness contracting Aids. I have found nothing. Nothing on their site, nothing anywhere. In fact the most recent on-line articles I found were from 1999. So until I here different , I'm breathing a sigh of relief for him and his family as well as all the Social D fans out there.
Touch & Go records has been dipping their fingers into the pool of local rappers in the Chicago area and recently I received a promo for one such artist. It's some really good stuff with lots of cool samples. In fact too many to name. I did pick out the "You are sleeping. You don not want to go to bed" This sample was also used in the Smiths song Asleep. The artist is Capital D. The album is Insomnia. Check it out! Capital D just got his law degree, he raps about all the fake players and wannabe's. Whoops, who put the beat in the bathtub? I rhymed. Anyways, he's politically left and has lots of interesting spoken word samples talking about Bush and Cheney. Again, I suggest you check him out.
Tuesday, August 03, 2004
In case your wondering I'm not going to talk about the movie Dr. Blandings Dream House. I've never seen it. I did see Anchorman-COMEDIC GENIUS I tell you! I love stupid humor. Which reminds me that I have to go see Dodgeball.
If you haven't already done so go to Eide's photo site and check out Tanuel's creation. From the other pictures I've seen with her classmates projects in the background Tanuel's blows them all away! Good job Tanuel!
Not too much happening in the fair city of Minot. Speaking of Fair, I didn't go. Somehow I resisted the urge to eat a footlong corndog, mini donuts, pretzels, various kinds of sausages or anything on a stick. I hear a popular treat was fried fish on a stick. Sorry I missed out.
I came across this cover and I don't know a thing about it. I'm not really sure what all that goo is but for some reason, I think I'm turned on.

I know it's a take on this